
Putting an end to cigarette butt pollution. Keenat provides companies and local authorities with a comprehensive circular economy service, based on 4 levers: awareness-raising, installation of furniture (urban ashtrays, boxes, etc.), collection and recycling. Keenat is the French leader in this activity. Founded in 2019, the company works with over 700 customers, will achieve sales of €870,000 in 2021 and is positioned in a fast-growing market.

"Having created and developed recyc matelas in Europe, I'm really happy to support the Keenat team in its development, and to bring them my experience of scale, the circular economy and European development in a complex sales process to large groups and local that not a single cigarette butt ends up in the gutter and polluting our rivers and oceans".

Franck Berrebi
Recyc Matelas CEO and Keenat Advisor

"Having created and developed recyc matelas in Europe, I'm really happy to support the Keenat team in its development, and to bring them my experience of scale, the circular economy and European development in a complex sales process to large groups and local that not a single cigarette butt ends up in the gutter and polluting our rivers and oceans".

Franck Berrebi
Recyc Matelas CEO and Keenat Advisor

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