Our mission: to care for founders who upgrade the world

Instilling systemic changes

Nothing happens in and of itself. At the core of a sustainable world lies the intricate web of interdependence.

This is even more apparent as we witness continued systemic disruptions unfolding before our very eyes.

Six out of nine planetary boundaries have already been crossed,  and while limiting climate change –and adapting to its effects– is the most urgent challenge we face, it is only one of many.

We know the cause: human activity, a carbon-based civilization which has spread across the globe in the space of two centuries and is leading us straight into the abyss.

But "where the danger is, also grows the saving power " (Hölderlin).

The future depends in part on the direction we give to capital flows

At Asterion, resignation is not part of our lexicon.
In the darkest moments, there are stars that point us in the right direction. 
Entrepreneurs driven by causes and ambitions greater than themselves act like guiding lights, and command our full attention.
As a venture capital firm, we are aware of our responsibility: the future partly depends on the ways in which capital flows are directed.
Ignoring planetary boundaries today spells failure for any venture. 
We view these boundaries as catalysts for innovation– a conducive framework rather than mere constraints. 
Gone are the days of obsolete futures.
The days of ephemeral technological trends.
The days of market bubbles and noise.

More and more tipping points crossed

The climate crisis demands we channel our collective resources and energy —knowledge, skills and capital— towards those endeavors that are most likely to produce cascading benefits.

As more and more tipping points are slowly crossed across industries and borders, we are steering towards a systemic transformation that will ignite the change many seek but do not know how to start.

None of the risks we take are pointless

Asterion is the meeting point between a community of operator angels and entrepreneurs committed to a single goal: to make a positive impact on the world.

Every technological adventure starts out as a human adventure. We understand the implications of this. We take the term venture capitalist  seriously: our job is to take risks to help others move forward.

Our method is patience, to best support those who contribute to the long-term development of a new economic paradigm.

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Each month: a little analysis, a few figures and a lot of conviction.

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