Some generations have built cathedrals. Others have crossed oceans and pushed back the frontiers of the known world. Still others have had to rebuild continents devastated by war.
The task facing our generation is no less immense: inventing an economy compatible with planetary limits and averting the ecological crisis.
If we are to rise to the challenge, we're going to have to innovate. Radically.
Taking risks. Risks that are calculated, and never unnecessary.
Reconnect with the courage of the long view.
Rewrite the rules of the economic game at root, by committing ourselves to all those who know that inventing other ways of creating wealth is the greatest of ambitions.
Because our mission is to take care of the entrepreneurs who are repairing the world. From the earliest stages of their adventure, and with no deadline for commitment.
How? By federating a vast and diverse community of leading investors, to direct capital flows where they are likely to make a difference.
Sector by sector, start-up by start-up, multiplying the tipping points.
To grow what saves despite the peril.
And initiate for good the systemic transformation that everyone is calling for, without always knowing where to start.