Give-Back: Feedback from Asterion's Operating Angels

Read testimonials from investors in the Asterion community

Testimony of Clément Alteresco, founder of Morning spaces

Clément has invested in 6 Asterion shares, which he accompanies in his spare time:

"Investing in a company means saying to the founders: we believe in you! I'm convinced that this is the most important thing you can do for an entrepreneur after all."

To find out what happens next, give us 2 minutes 30. ⬇️

Testimony of Marie-Anne Aymerich, member of Comex of major groups

Marie-Anne has invested in 7 Asterion participations that she supports and helps to accelerate:

"In this business angel phase, for me what's important is the transmission. More than give-back, it's even give-forward: you give fantastic projects a better chance of success."

Find out more in this 3-minute interview ⬇️

Testimonial from Hugo Dupuis, ex-founder and CTO of Umiami

Hugo accompanies two participations alongside Asterion, including Yeasty, for which he plays an advisor role.


"I found myself a business angel via friends who had companies whose impact I could evaluate. I only invest in areas I know: agritech, biotech and energy."

Curious to find out more about Hugo? Click here:

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