darwin: biodiversity, more than a question of conformity

Biodiversity loss is a global emergency. With species extinction rates up to 100 times higher than normal, and ecosystems essential to our survival under threat, this crisis represents one of the great battles of our century. It is also having an impact on companies, who must integrate these issues into their strategy or risk losing competitiveness in the face of increasingly demanding regulations. This is where darwin comes in, a startup offering an innovative SaaS solution to measure, understand and reduce the impact of companies on biodiversity. Let's take a look at what convinced us to invest in this impact-driven company.

1. Biodiversity loss: a major environmental and economic challenge

1.1. An unprecedented ecological crisis

Biodiversity, the cornerstone of numerous ecosystem services such as pollination, climate regulation and soil fertility, is in peril. Since the start of the industrial era, 83% of wild mammals and 50% of plants have disappeared. This mass extinction is caused by five main factors: habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, overexploitation of resources and invasive species.

The current rate of extinction is 100 times higher than the average over the last 10 million years, jeopardizing the stability of the ecosystems on which agriculture, health and economic infrastructure directly depend.

1.2 Growing regulatory pressure

International commitments such as COP15 and the Kunming Declaration in 2021, combined with European initiatives such as the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), oblige companies to measure, publish and reduce their biodiversity footprint. These regulations are forcing a strategic transformation, but they are not the only driver of change.

Biodiversity loss exposes companies to multiple economic risks:

  • Physical, with the scarcity of natural resources essential to value chains;
  • Reputation, in the face of increasingly demanding stakeholders;
  • Transitional, requiring investment to adapt to new standards.

According to the World Economic Forum, 50% of global GDP depends on the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity. Preserving biodiversity is not just a regulatory constraint, but a prerequisite for securing the global economy in the long term.

1.3. A booming market

Faced with these regulatory and economic pressures, demand for solutions dedicated to biodiversity is exploding. The fast-growing market is estimated to be worth 10 billion euros by 2030, with an annual growth rate of over 15%.

This context offers a unique opportunity for innovative companies like darwin, ready to respond to these global challenges with tailored SaaS solutions. By integrating biodiversity into their strategic decisions, companies can transform an environmental challenge into a lever for sustainable performance and competitiveness.

2. darwin: a SaaS solution for businesses and nature

2.1. Technology at the service of biodiversity

darwin offers a modular SaaS solution that automates the collection and analysis of biodiversity data, a historically time-consuming task for companies. Thanks to powerful algorithms, the :

  • Measures companies' biodiversity footprint;
  • Identifies biodiversity-related risks and opportunities;
  • Enables you to define and manage strategies in line with international standards.

This automation halves the time needed to analyze biodiversity impact, while facilitating compliance with new regulatory requirements.

Thanks to strategic partnerships with consulting firms and ESG companies, darwin relies on an indirect marketing model to rapidly penetrate the market.

2.2. An expert, visionary team

darwin is led by three co-founders with complementary backgrounds:

  • Aurore, the CEO, has a solid background in investment funds and strategic consulting.
  • Antoine, CSO, has developed the Global Biodiversity Score, a leading tool in this field.
  • Cyprien, CTPO, product engineer and data expert, uses his technical skills to build a robust SaaS.

They were joined by their CTO, Walid Chergui, who has 15 years' experience in development and data science.

Their synergy, the fruit of professional and personal collaboration, gives them a unique vision for revolutionizing biodiversity management in the workplace.

3. Measurable environmental impact

By helping companies to integrate biodiversity into their strategic decisions, and ultimately move their business models towards a more sustainable balance, darwin has a direct impact on the preservation of ecosystems. The benefits are manifold:

  • Reducing the biodiversity footprint through appropriate strategies;
  • Reducing the financial risks associated with biodiversity loss ;
  • Contributing to a more sustainable economy by aligning economic objectives with environmental imperatives.

darwin transforms the challenge of biodiversity into a lever for performance and sustainability.

For all these reasons, we are very proud to enable darwin to accelerate its development and help companies turn the protection of biodiversity into a competitive advantage. 

Press coverage:

See darwin's website

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